Thursday, December 20, 2007


‘THIRUVATHIRA’ enters with the coolness of celebration is the month of ‘DHANU’ (Thiruvathira Nakshathram) . Thiruvathira is essentially women’s festival. It is being celebrated for ages now but there is no clear theory about the origin of the festival.


It is believed that it is the day on which ‘GOPASTRIS’ conducted ‘KARTHYANI POOJA’ to get ‘SREE KRISNA’ (the god) as their husband. Keralites celebrate thiruvathira as the birth day of God ‘SREE PARAMESWARA’ . It is also believed that this festival is celebrated in commemoration of the death of ‘KAMADEVA’ the mythological god of love. According to another version, this is a remembarance of ‘SREE PARVATI'S prayerful fasting (vrathams) seeking an auspicious family life .

Conventions have it that women should wake up before their husbands and take a luxurious bath in the pond. It is a part of the celebration chewing betels , wearing garlands and wear Keralites dress ‘SILK SAREE’ and ‘ONNARA’( A special dhothi) . The other interesting facet of the festival is the enchanting ‘THIRUVATHIRAKKALI’ (Kaikottikali) dance performed by women on this day Women folk also amuse themselves by playing on the ‘OONJAl’ (swing) on this day. On the night of Thiruvathira women again perform Thiruvathirakkali is a circle at the centre of which is placed a lighted brass lamp. It is wonderful sight to watch women dancing to the rhythm of the song they sing and clapping their hands is unison with grace.

Women observe fast on Thiruvathira. Instead of rice meal they take preparations of ‘CHANA’ (penicum miliacerum) or wheat . other items of their food include plantains, fruits, tender coconuts, etc. It may be noted that the ‘ANDRA DARSHAN’ festival of Tamilnadu corresponds to Thiruvathira festival on kerala.

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